
Ceramic porcelain

Rayan porcelain ceramics are one of the most high-quality and durable products. The white clay used in this type of ceramic, is made under pressure which makes porcelain stronger than other ceramic tiles and has a higher price than glazed tiles. specifications of this product:
• Water impermeability
• High chemical resistance
• Anti-stain properties
• High abrasion resistance
• Hard scratch-resistant surface
• High diversity
• Fire resistant

Ceramic glass

Glass ceramics are produced during the process of solidifying an object and making it look like glass. Ceramics produced with this method have very low porosity and are stain resistant. This type of ceramic is strong and durable and it is good alternative for granite and marble.

Quartz ceramics

Crushed stones glued together in order to produce this type of ceramic. If marble is used in the process of making this product, it is also called engineered marble. Engineered marble is used in interior floors and walls, and quartz ceramics are mostly used for kitchen cabinet walls and counter tops.

Quarry ceramics

They are produced by extruding clay or shale or mosaic. These mosaics are traditionally produced in red and gray and unglazed. These tiles (Quarry unglazed mosaic) are highly slip-resistant surface.